Sunday, January 30, 2011

No More Cranks, Please

First post, so a quick introduction and then straight in at the deep(ish) end. Crankiness in Ireland has now reached absurd levels. Let's strike a blow back for common sense.

I am amazed at how many cranks there are out there. Most have discovered a conscience which was hitherto dormant, with rare exceptions.

Shane Ross is a great example. With the impending end to the Seanad in sight, Shane has put himself forward for the Dail. Nothing wrong with that and infact someone of Rossy's intellect might be welcome. Having tried to negotiate a front bench position with Fine Gael, Shane Ross then decided to go it alone. Again his preroggative and I have no problem with that. However in recent weeks he has been asked why he didn't join the FG ticket. He has claimed a couple of times on radio that politics is inherently corrupt, and that Fine Gael are as bad as Fianna Fail...yet he had no problem with this up until the point where negotiations with Fine Gael broke down. In short, crank.

There's my brief opening shot across the bows of cranks. Fairly tame I know, but more anon. It's just a bit of fun so I suggest that we get some kind of motto going: "What do we want? Reasoned debate in a calm atmosphere. When do we want it? In due course."

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